
Developing Thinking in Geometry | 1:a upplagan

av L. John Mason och Sue Johnston-wilder

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2005-08-18
Upplaga 1
ISBN 9781412911689
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'Geometry is often given less time in the teaching timetable than other aspects of mathematics. This book encourages practitioners to think about and raise its profile, indeed achieving what its title suggest' - Primary Practice

`This creative, innovative and fascinating book/CD package is one you "MUST BUY". All prospective, new and experienced teachers of mathematics can use it to transform their teaching. All readers can use it to reignite their fascination with mathematics' - Professor Sylvia Johnson, Sheffield Hallam University

'This book exudes activity and interactivity. Moreover, it provides challenge in the context of a significant pedagogy, one that is not just present but actually made explicit. It is undoubtedly a book to learn geometry with, but also one to learn to think more deeply about geometry, about its nature and essence, and also about its teaching and learning' - David Pimm

Developing Thinking in Geometry enables teachers and their support staff to experience and teach geometric thinking. As well as discussing key teaching principles, the book and accompanying interactive CD include many activities that encourage readers to extend their own learning, and consequently their teaching practices.

The book is constructed around the following key themes:

- invariance;

- language and points of view;

- reasoning using invariance;

- visualising and representing.

These themes draw on teaching principles developed by the team at the Open University's Centre for Mathematics Education which has a 20-year track record of innovative approaches to teaching and learning geometry.

This is a 'must have' text for all primary mathematics specialists, secondary and Further Education mathematics teachers and their support staff. Anyone who wishes to create an understanding and enthusiasm for geometry based upon firm research and effective practice, will enjoy this book.

This is the course reader for the Open University Course ME627 Developing

Geometric Thinking

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