
Communicating Health : Strategies for Health Promotion | 1:a upplagan

av Nova Corcoran

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2007-04-30
Upplaga 1
ISBN 9781412924023
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'This text will be extremely useful for students on a range of health-related courses as well as practitioners in the health field. The application of theory to practice is particularly well presented' - Ruth Cross, Senior Lecturer in Public Health and Health Promotion, Leeds Metropolitan University

Why is communication important in health? How can good health and well-being be promoted to the public? How can these communication skills be improved?

Effective health communication is a critical aspect of healthcare at both the individual and wider public level. Health practitioners are frequently involved in the design, planning, implementation and evaluation of programmes, campaigns or policies in their work. This engaging new textbook explores current research and practice in the field and examines the knowledge and skills needed by health practitioners to promote and improve the health of the population. The book opens the debate around communication and health and the design of programmes to promote health, and thus moves closer to achieving fundamental health promotion goals.

The book:

" bridges the gap between communication theory and the implementation of policy

" contains practical advice for designing effective campaigns

" covers key topics such as health promotion theories and models; communicating with the wider public; communication in traditional and non-traditional settings; the role of the mass media and information technologies evidence-based practice; and methods of evaluation.

Communicating Health will be essential reading for students needing to understand the factors that contribute to effective communication in health. It provides a detailed and up-to-date overview, drawing upon material from several health-related disciplines including public health, health studies and nursing. It will also be invaluable for health care professionals involved in public health who wish to reflect upon and develop their practice.

Nova Corcoran works as a Senior Lecturer in Health Promotion and Public Health at the University of East London. She has a background in Health Promotion work in particular the planning, design and delivery of health campaigns and programmes.

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