
Office and Sharepoint 2010 User's Guide: Integrating Sharepoint with Excel, Outlook, Access and Word | 1:a upplagan

av Michael Larsson och Vladimir Antonovich Gerliga

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Förlag Apress
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2010-03-31
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 729
ISBN 9781430227601
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Web sites, collaboration, document management, paperless officeswe want it all in business today, but how do we achieve all of these goals? More importantly, if you work for one of the millions of small-to-medium-sized businesses, how do you find the time to build the expertise necessary to reach these goals? Even the most powerful tool will not allow you to succeed unless you can get the majority of your staff to use it efficiently and effectively. You need a guide that demonstrates a platform that small-to-medium-sized businesses can use to reach these goals.Office and SharePoint 2010 User's Guide demystifies the path that every Microsoft Office user can follow to benefit from the synergism of tools they are already familiar with. Together with SharePoint 2010, users can achieve goals like web sites with a consistent single view, improved collaboration within their organization, and better document management, and may even get one step closer to the paperless office we've been promised for years. This book has topics for Office users of all skill levels, from those just starting to use Office tools to experienced power users. It examines each major Office tool and shows how it contributes to the support and use of SharePoint in today's increasingly electronic-based office environment. What you'll learn How to access, customize, share, and extend SharePoint document libraries in conjunction with Word, Excel, and other Office products Different ways of working through Office while interacting with SharePoint, like synchronizing your calendar and contacts, exporting databases, and modifying them with SharePoint's list view The best ways of managing content across teams and your entire organization What it really means to leverage all of SharePoint's capabilities by tying them directly into the Office applications you use every day Who this book is for This book is the perfect reference for anyone who works at a company or organization that is using or planning to use either Windows SharePoint Services 4.0 or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010. This is the book for anyone who wants to make a difference by developing content and collaboration, and who wants to benefit from the synergism that working with several Microsoft products can provide. Table of Contents An Overview of SharePoint SharePoint Lists Creating Content Pages Using Your Document Library with Microsoft Office Using Outlook Managing Lists with Access Managing SharePoint Lists from Excel Publishing Excel with Excel Services An Introduction to Creating Forms with InfoPath Publishing InfoPath Forms in SharePoint Libraries Peer-to-Peer Collaboration with SharePoint Workspace Additional Supporting Libraries
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