
DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model | 2:a upplagan

av Jeremy Keith och Jeffrey Sambells

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Förlag Apress
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2010-12-15
Upplaga 2
Fler upplagor
Antal sidor 336
ISBN 9781430233893
Kategori(er) Data & IT
 ↳ Webbutveckling
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In this Second Edition of the popular DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model, comes a modern revision to include current best practices and guidelines. There is also full coverage of HTML5 in a new, dedicated chapter, and details on JavaScript libraries and how they can help your scripting. The book gives you everything you need to start using JavaScript and the Document Object Model to enhance your web pages with client-side dynamic effects and user-controlled animation. It shows you how JavaScript, HTML5, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) work together to create usable, standards-compliant web designs. We'll also cover cross-browser compatibility with your DOM scripts and how to make sure they degrade gracefully when JavaScript isn't available.DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model focuses on JavaScript for adding dynamic effects and manipulating page structure on the fly using the Document Object Model. You'll start off by receiving a crash course in JavaScript and the DOM, then move on to several real-world examples that you'll build from scratch, including dynamic image galleries and dynamic menus. You'll also learn how to manipulate web page styles using the CSS DOM, and create mark-up on the fly. This book is perfect for your needs if you want to create websites that are beautiful, dynamic, accessible - and standards compliant! What youll learnApply dynamic behavior to your pages without inserting JavaScript in your markup. Write scripts that degrade gracefully when JavaScript isnt available. Use web standards to ensure cross-browser compatibility. Harness the power of the DOM to create user-controlled animation. Also includes an introduction to Ajax. Who this book is for This book is for web developers wanting to expand their knowledge of the DOM to add interactivity and functionality to their web pages. Table of ContentsA Brief History of JavaScript JavaScript Syntax The Document Object Model A JavaScript Image Gallery Best Practices The Image Gallery Revisited Creating Markup on the Fly Enhancing Content CSS-DOM An Animated Slideshow HTML5 Putting It All Together DOM Scripting Libraries (Computer Bookshops Limited)
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