
When an Adult You Love Has ADHD

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2016-10-01
ISBN 9781433823084
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ADHD doesn't just affect kids - adults can have it too. This will come as no surprise if you are close to an adult who has problems with attention, concentration, distractibility, impulsiveness, forgetfulness or self-control (or all of these symptoms). The good news is that with effective treatment your loved one with ADHD can have a happier, more successful life and a stronger, closer relationship with you and others. Without sugar coating the facts, internationally renowned ADHD expert Dr. Russell Barkley explains in this book what ADHD is all about and how you can tell if your spouse, partner, friend, adult child, or sibling may have it. He shows how to guide your loved one toward the right treatment and, using examples from real life, answers questions such as: * What health risks does ADHD impose on those who have it?* Why am I feeling resentful toward my loved one with ADHD?* What can I personally do to help my loved one at home, at work, and in other areas of life?* How can I avoid wasting time and money on sham treatments?* What if my loved one doesn't want help?Adults with ADHD can achieve their goals and live out big dreams - and you can help.In this book you will learn practical steps for helping your loved one accept and manage their disorder, and pursue paths in life where ADHD might not pose such a big problem.
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