
Roadmap to Information Security : For IT and Infosec Managers

av Herbert Mattord och Michael Whitman

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Förlag Cengage Learning
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2011-05-13
ISBN 9781435480308
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ROADMAP TO INFORMATION SECURITY: FOR IT AND INFOSEC MANAGERS provides a solid overview of information security and its relationship to the information needs of an organization. Content is tailored to the unique needs of information systems professionals who find themselves brought in to the intricacies of information security responsibilities. The book is written for a wide variety of audiences looking to step up to emerging security challenges, ranging from students to experienced professionals. This book is designed to guide the information technology manager in dealing with the challenges associated with the security aspects of their role, providing concise guidance on assessing and improving an organization's security. The content helps IT managers to handle an assignment to an information security role in ways that conform to expectations and requirements, while supporting the goals of the manager in building and maintaining a solid information security program.
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