
The Perfect Guy Doesn't Exist

av Sophie Gonzales

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Förlag Hachette UK
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2024-03-28
Antal sidor 336
ISBN 9781444964653
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What happens when the fictional 'perfect guy' comes to life and is convinced you're his soulmate?

While her parents are away for the week, sixteen-year-old Ivy McIntosh plans on binge-watching her favourite TV show and hanging out with her best friend, Henry. But things quickly go downhill on the very first morning, when Ivy wakes up to find Weston, the gorgeous lead character of her favourite show, in her bedroom.

And, oh yeah, he thinks that she's his soulmate.

Ivy realizes that her writing has somehow brought Weston as she's imagined him to life, and now he's living out her fanfiction dreams. But those fairytale dreams soon turn into disasters.

Mack, Ivy's best-friend-turned-enemy who lives next door, and Henry get involved and the three of them need to figure out why Weston is here and how to get rid of him.

As Ivy and Mack grow closer again, old feelings resurface and they finally face the fallout of their broken friendship, and question if they've both secretly always wanted something more . . .

The new sapphic YA friends-to-enemies-to-lovers novel from bestselling author Sophie Gonzales, with her trademark humour and heart.

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