
The ASAM Principles of Addiction Medicine

av Dr Richard K Ries, Dr David A Fiellin, Dr Shannon C Miller och Dr Richard Saitz

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Förlag NBN International
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2014-05-15
Antal sidor 1795
ISBN 9781451173574
Kategori(er) Medicin, vård & fysiologi
 ↳ Medicin
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In the midst of an addiction epidemic, this newly updated edition of The American Society of Addiction Medicine Principles of Addiction Medicine , 5th edition is the sought-after text every addiction researcher and care provider needs. This comprehensive reference text dedicates itself to both the science and treatment of addiction. You'll receive a thorough grounding in both the scientific principles behind the causes of addiction and the practical aspects of clinical care. Chapters are written by recognized experts, covering areas such as the basic science of addiction medicine; diagnosis, assessment and early intervention; pharmacologic and behavioral interventions; mutual help and twelve-step; and co-occurring addiction, medical and psychiatric disorders-backed by the latest research data and successful treatment methods. Features: Numerous figures, tables and diagrams elucidate the text Chapters include case examples List of data research reports provided at end of each chapter NEW material on Prescription Drug Abuse, Club Drugs, Nursing Roles in Addressing Addiction, Conceptual and Treatment Issues in Behavioral Addictions, Rehabilitation Approaches to Pain Management, Comorbid Pain and Addiction, Pharmacotherapy for Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders, Preventing and Treating Substance Use Disorders in Military Personnel, and more.

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