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Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications | 8:e upplagan

av John R. Anderson

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2014-10-08
Upplaga 8
Fler upplagor 2020/9
Antal sidor 500
ISBN 9781464148910
Kategori(er) Pedagogik & psykologi
 ↳ Psykologi
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John R. Anderson has been long been at the forefront of the study of cognition, with accomplishments that have informed the way cognitive psychology is investigated, applied, and taught. With this new edition of his classic textbook, Anderson again takes students to the forefront of the field, incorporating the latest theoretical breakthroughs, research findings, and technological advances, as well as marking the increasing role of neuroscience in the study of cognitive functions. As always, Anderson makes his discussions of higher mental processes concrete and accessible with fascinating examples and clear explanations of the underlying research.

LaunchPad Solo for Cognitive Psychology
Available to accompany the new edition of Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications, this powerful web-based tool gives students a way to experience classic and modern experiments that are foundational in the cognitive psychology course.
New Coverage of Modern Technology, including:

- Watson's performance on Jeopardy, Apple's Siri, and Ray Kurzwell's prophesy of the impending Singularity (Ch. 1, The Science of Cognition)
- New technological developments in character and face recognition (Ch. 2, Perception)
- 'Mind-reading' research that uses fMRI to reconstruct the thoughts and images of people (Ch. 4, Mental Imagery)
The Latest Research on the Bounds of Human Capacity, including

Recent Advances in Neuroscience, including:

- Research relating visual neglect to deficits in conceptual judgments about number order and alphabetical order (Ch. 3, Attention and Performance)
- New work in neurosemantics (Ch. 5, Representation of Knowledge)
- New meta-analyses on the regions of the brain that support working memory (Ch. 6, Human Memory: Encoding and Storage)
- Evidence connecting the response of the dopamine neurons to theories of reinforcement learning (Ch. 11, Decision Making)
- Research showing that single neurons are tuned to recognize specific numbers of objects (Ch. 14, Individual Differences in Cognition)
New Theoretical Frameworks Shaping Modern Research, including:

- The current state of research on retrieval-induced interference (Ch. 7, Human Memory: Retention and Retrieval)
- Dual-process theories of reasoning (Ch. 11, Decision Making)
- The increasing role of Bayesian analyses in cognitive psychology, and an example of how the world's kinship terms are optimally chosen for communicative purposes (Ch. 12, Language Structure)
- The role of situation models in text comprehension (Ch. 13, Language Comprehension)
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