
Daily readings from live love lead - 90 days to living, loving, leading

av Brian Houston

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Förlag Hodder & Stoughton General Division
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2017-07-27
Antal sidor 288
ISBN 9781473642508
Kategori(er) Religion
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Whether you are searching for your calling or wholeheartedly pursuing your life's purpose, Brian Houston's transformative approach to life will help you navigate a faith path that is all your own and discover unique gifts tailored perfectly for your journey.

Thirty-five years ago when Brian Houston set out to pioneer a church with thirty people in a school hall, he had no idea how many highs and lows, sacrifices and miraculous opportunities he would face. Over time, his tiny church grew into the worldwide Hillsong ministry, leading people all over the globe to follow the greatest Guide who ever walked the path of life - Jesus.

In this ninety-day devotional adapted from his bestselling book Live, Love, Lead, Brian Houston shares his own life-tested experiences and the powerful biblical truths he's learned that will enable you to live fully, love completely, and lead boldly - the hallmarks of Jesus' time on earth. Each page includes:
· Scripture to meditate on
· Excerpt: a key truth about living, loving, and leading
· Thought: an uplifting, liberating, and meaningful thought to start the day
· Reflection: a place to write your thoughts and reflections
· Prayer: a simple but powerful prayer to help you express yourself.

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