
Daddy's Girls

av Danielle Steel

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Förlag Macmillan Distribution
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-06-11
Fler upplagor 2021/0
ISBN 9781509878239
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 Kate, Gemma and Caroline Tucker have grown up to be three very different women but with a bond that only sisters experience. What they all have in common is an unfailing admiration for their father, Jimmy, who through sheer ambition and hard work brought them from Texas when their mother left under mysterious circumstances, and raised them to enjoy a good life on the now successful ranch in California's beautiful Santa Ynez Valley. Above all, he taught them to follow their dreams. Kate, as a talented horsewoman was born to take over the ranch while Gemma escaped the Valley for a new life in Hollywood and is now the star of a major long-running TV drama. Caroline left for university to study law and is now married to a wealthy businessman in Marin County and has two children.When tragedy strikes, family secrets are revealed, and the three girls separately have to face some tough and heart-breaking decisions. But they face the crises together and discover that sometimes you have to go through the clouds to find the sun. Ultimately, they come to recognize that they are their father's daughters and they understand the special gift that he gave them.

Daddy's Girls is a wonderful, heartwarming family novel by the world's favourite storyteller, Danielle Steel.

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