
EU Competition Law

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2018-06-01
ISBN 9781509920372
Kategori(er) Juridik
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This book is designed as a working tool for the study and practice of European competition law. It is an enlarged and updated sixth edition of the highly practical guide to the leading cases of European competition law.This sixth edition focuses on Article 101 TFEU, Article 102 TFEU and the European Merger Regulation. In addition it explores the public and private enforcement of competition law, the intersection between intellectual property rights and competition law, the application of competition law to state action and state aid laws.Each chapter begins with an introduction which outlines the relevant laws, regulations and guidelines for each of the topics, setting the analytical foundations for the case entries. Within this framework, cases are reviewed in summary form, accompanied by analysis and commentary.Praise for earlier editions:'This book should be in the library of every competition law practitioner and academic. The summary of cases is first class. But what makes it really stand out is the quality of the commentary and the selection of the material which includes not only the most important European judgements and decisions but also some of the leading cases from the US and European Member States.'Ali Nikpay, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP'The study of EU competition law requires the analysis and understanding of a number of increasingly complex European Commission and European Court decisions. Through the provision of case summaries, excerpts from the important passages and concise commentary linking these decisions to other key case law and Commission documents, this unique and impressive book, now in its fifth edition, provides the student and practitioner of EU competition law with an extremely clear and useful introduction to these leading decisions.'Dr Kathryn McMahon, Associate Professor, School of Law, University of Warwick'This book is especially valuable for competition law specialists in Europe and abroad who are interested in the jurisprudence and policy of the European Union and its member states. Familiarity with the European regime is essential for proficiency in competition law today, and this volume provides an excellent foundation.'William E Kovacic, Global Competition Professor of Law and Policy, George Washington University Law School, Former Chairman, US Federal Trade Commission'The Guide is an invaluable tool for both students and practitioners. It provides a compact overview of the fundamental cases and highlights the essential problems in a clear and sharp analysis.'Dr Christoph Voelk, Antitrust Practice Group, McDermott, Will & Emery LLP, Brussels
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