
Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (Federal Aviation Administration) : Faa-h-8083-25b

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Förlag Skyhorse Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2017-08-03
Antal sidor 528
ISBN 9781510726062
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This official Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) handbook provides basic knowledge essential for pilots on topics like decision making, aerodynamics, flight controls, weather theory, airport operations, and more.

This updated handbook introduces pilots to the broad spectrum of knowledge that will be needed as they progress in their pilot training. Written for the pilot preparing for a Remote, Sport, Private, Commercial, or Flight Instructor Pilot Certificate, it is a key reference for all the information necessary to operate an aircraft and to pass the FAA Knowledge Exam and Practical Test. The table of contents includes:

  1. Introduction to Flying
  2. Aeronautical Decision-Making
  3. Aircraft Construction
  4. Principles of Flight
  5. Aerodynamics of Flight
  6. Flight Controls
  7. Aircraft Systems
  8. Flight Instruments
  9. Flight Manuals and Other Documents
  10. Weight and Balance
  11. Aircraft Performance
  12. Weather Theory
  13. Aviation Weather Services
  14. Airport Operations
  15. Airspace
  16. Navigation
  17. Aeromedical Factors

This handbook introduces readers to flying and a history of flight, then explores the role of the FAA, criteria for earning the various pilot certificates, how to plan their flight education, and the examinations associated with earning a pilot certificate.

Beginners and advanced pilots alike will find the Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge to be their primary resources for all things aviation.

In addition to the most current FAA information, this edition features full-color drawings and photographs, an index, a glossary, and appendices of common acronyms, abbreviations and NOTAM contractions, and airport signs.

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