
Anti-Anxiety Cookbook

av Jennifer Browne

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Förlag Skyhorse Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2019-08-20
Antal sidor 192
ISBN 9781510743014
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What we choose to fuel our bodies with affects us wildly. In today's world of overly processed food and artificial ingredients that almost always include empty calories and stimulants, it's important to educate oneself on how proper nourishment positively impacts our state of mental health and wellbeing. With more than seventy-five simple recipes created to help you chill and be still, THE ANTI-ANXIETY COOKBOOK will help you find the path to calm. Most of the plant-based recipes in this mindfully created cookbook contain fewer than ten ingredients and all are tried and true. Recipes include: Anti-Inflammatory Juice Perfect Pesto Greek Six-Layer Dip Lentil Loaf Chocolate-Pumpkin Loaf And More! Kind food really is the best (and least expensive!) medicine and in the realm of anxiousness, it's so important to lower nutritional stress and let plant-based nutrition pave the way for decreased anxiety and more peaceful living.
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