
The Rabbit Hutch | 1:a upplagan

av Tess Gunty

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Förlag The Book Services TBS
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2022-08-02
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor 2022/1, 2023/1, 2023/0
ISBN 9781524712235
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The Rabbit Hutch is a stunning debut novel about four teenagers-recently aged out of the state foster-care system-living together in an apartment building in the post-industrial Midwest, exploring the quest for transcendence and the desire for love.   

"Gunty writes with a keen, sensitive eye about all manner of intimacies-the kind we build with other people, and the kind we cultivate around ourselves and our tenuous, private aspirations."-Raven Leilani, best-selling, award-winning author of Luster

The automobile industry has abandoned Vacca Vale, Indiana, leaving the residents behind, too. In a run-down apartment building on the edge of town, commonly known as the Rabbit Hutch, a number of people now reside quietly, looking for ways to live in a dying city. Apartment C2 is lonely and detached. C6 is aging and stuck. C8 harbors an extraordinary fear. But C4 is of particular interest.  

Here live four teenagers who have recently aged out of the state foster-care system: three boys and one girl, Blandine, who The Rabbit Hutch centers around. Hauntingly beautiful and unnervingly bright, Blandine is plagued by the structures, people, and places that not only failed her but actively harmed her. Now all Blandine wants is an escape, a true bodily escape like the mystics describe in the books she reads.  

Set across one week and culminating in a shocking act of violence, The Rabbit Hutch chronicles a town on the brink, desperate for rebirth. How far will its residents-especially Blandine-go to achieve it? Does one person's gain always come at another's expense? Tess Gunty's The Rabbit Hutch is a gorgeous and provocative tale of loneliness and community, entrapment and freedom. It announces a major new voice in American fiction, one bristling with intelligence and vulnerability.  

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