
Dare to Be You

av Matthew Syed

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Förlag Hachette UK
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-09-03
Antal sidor 189
ISBN 9781526362377
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From the bestselling, award-winning author of You Are Awesome comes the much-anticipated follow-up, Dare to Be You. What would you dare to try if you stopped worrying about fitting in?If you're the kind of person who thinks: I don't like standing out from the crowd ... I wish I could be more like the cool kids ... There's no point trying to change things ... then this book is for you. Because guess what? There's no such thing as normal.

Drawing examples from sport, science and even business, Dare to Be You empowers young readers to follow their own path, love what makes them different and question the world around them. With You Are Awesome's trademark mix of hilarious text, stylish illustration, personal insights and inspiring real-life examples, including Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai, Matthew Syed introduces children to the power of diverse thinking. When you stop doubting yourself, embrace change and let your kindness loose, you become your own action hero. This groundbreaking, practical and positive book will help kids develop the inner confidence to grow into happy adults who know - and, more importantly, LIKE - themselves.

Praise for You Are Awesome, children's book of the year 2019 and Sunday Times no. 1 bestseller:"A very funny and inspiring read! Brilliantly practical with a wide variety of examples that make it relevant for both boys and girls (and adults)!" - Online customer review "Genuinely funny and engaging ...

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