
You Are Not Alone

av Cariad Lloyd

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Förlag Bloomsbury
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2023-01-19
Fler upplagor 2024/0
Antal sidor 304
ISBN 9781526621849
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'A blackly funny, honest, thought-provoking and compassionate book that will be of comfort to all who know loss' The Times 'Full of sense, heart and hope' PHILIPPA PERRY 'Cariad Lloyd has changed the way we speak about grief' SARA PASCOE _______________ Welcome to the club. I'm still here now, all these years later. You don't leave once you've joined; it's a life membership. Grief eases and changes and returns but it never disappears. But you will be okay. Somehow you will be. When Cariad was just fifteen, her dad died. She became the person-whose-dad-had-died; a mess of emotions and questions; a grief-mess. Years later, she began trying to unravel this tightly wound grief. What had happened? What effect had it all had on who she was? She started Griefcast, the podcast that talks openly, honestly and at times cheerfully about life's most difficult moment: its end. Inspired by her own grief mistakes and lessons, and from the profound and witty insights from her incredible guests - including Philippa Perry, Reverend Richard Coles, Isabel Allende, Nish Kumar and Marian Keyes - Cariad provides a road map for all of us. For anybody who has felt lost in grief, who wants to help someone struggling, or just wants to understand this life a little better. You are not alone. _______________ 'It's honest and warm and funny (in all the right places)' JULIA SAMUEL 'Gentle, compassionate and wise . . . I loved it' KATHERINE MAY 'A comfy companion for anyone struggling after the death of someone close' - BBC News
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