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Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

av Gabrielle Zevin

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Förlag The Book Services TBS
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2023-07-06
Fler upplagor 2022/0
Antal sidor 432
ISBN 9781529115543
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'I just love this book and I hope you love it too' JOHN GREEN, TikTok

'I recently read this book and loved it ' CELESTE NG, Washington Post

This is not a romance, but it is about love

Two kids meet in a hospital gaming room in 1987. One is visiting her sister, the other is recovering from a car crash. The days and months are long there. Their love of video games becomes a shared world -- of joy, escape and fierce competition. But all too soon that time is over.

When the pair spot each other eight years later in a crowded train station, they are catapulted back to that moment. The spark is immediate, and together they get to work on what they love - making games to delight, challenge and immerse players, finding an intimacy in digital worlds that eludes them in their real lives. Their collaborations make them superstars.

This is the story of the perfect worlds Sadie and Sam build, the imperfect world they live in, and of everything that comes after success: Money. Fame. Duplicity. Tragedy.

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow takes us on a dazzling imaginative quest as it examines the nature of identity, creativity, disability, failure, the redemptive possibilities in play and, above all, our need to connect: to be loved and to love.

'I cannot recommend it highly enough' HANK GREEN, Instagram

'A beautifully wrought saga of human connection and the creative process, of love and all of its complicated levels' ERIN MORGENSTERN, author of The Night Circus

'You don't have to be a gamer to enjoy this story about two brilliant young game designers growing famous, then growing apart' Observer

'A novel that treasures the act of play and holds it sacred' Guardian

'You needn't be a gamer to be charmed by this immersive tale of friendship, creativity and life's messy wonders' Mail on Sunday

'[An] engrossing, delightful novel' Financial Times

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