
Leading From Anywhere : Unlock the Power and Performance of Remote Teams

av Burkus Davi

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Förlag Hodder & Stoughton General Division
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2021-02-04
Antal sidor 256
ISBN 9781529368574
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'Leading From Anywhere is the best book on remote work I've ever read - incisive, original, and eminently practical. Read it - and takes notes.' - Daniel H. Pink, author of When, Drive, and To Sell Is Human

It's undeniable that we're entering a new era of remote work. So, how can managers ensure that their businesses run as usual when the way that we work looks so . . . unusual?

Top business thought leader David Burkus has mined the very best research on virtual teams and case studies of companies that have not just survived but thrived through remote work to provide managers with the field guide to leading remotely, packed with everyday examples and illuminating insights. Structured around the lifecycle of working on a team, Burkus tackles the key inflection points and challenges that managers face in this new landscape from taking the team remote and adding new members, to communicating effectively and quickly, managing performance, keeping the team engaged, and celebrating individual departures or adjourning the team as a whole.

If you want your remote team to have a harmonious work-life balance while increasing productivity, this is your indispensable guide.

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