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Förlag Little, Brown Book Group
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2021-03-18
Antal sidor 330
ISBN 9781529415049
Lägg i varukorgen


Glossy is a story of more than a magazine. It is a story of passion and power, dizzying fortune and out-of-this-world fashion, of ingenuity and opportunism, frivolity and malice. This is the definitive story of Vogue.

Vogue magazine started, like so many great things do, in the spare room of someone's house. But unlike other such makeshift projects that flare up then fizzle away, Vogue burnt itself onto our cultural consciousness. Today, 128 years later, Vogue spans 22 countries, has an international print readership upwards of 12 million and nets over 67 million monthly online users. Uncontested market leader for a century, it is one of the most recognisable brands in the world and a multi-million dollar money-making machine. It is not just a fashion magazine, it is the establishment. But what - and more importantly who - made Vogue such an enduring success?

Glossy will answer this question and more by tracing the previously untold history of the magazine, from its inception as a New York gossip rag, to the sleek, corporate behemoth we know now. This will be a biography of Vogue in every sense of the word, taking the reader through three centuries, two world wars, plunging failures and blinding successes, as it charts the story of the magazine and those who ran it.

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Detta är vår ambition och vi tummar inte på något för att nå dit. Vi finns till för att hjälpa studenter att spara och tjäna pengar på sin kurslitteratur samtidigt som vi tillsammans gör miljön en tjänst. Företaget startade våren 2005 av två studenter och har sedan dess strävat mot att ständigt göra det enklare att köpa och sälja begagnad kurslitteratur för så många som möjligt.

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