
The Grasshopper

av Bernard Suits

Köp begagnad bok

Köp ny bok


Förlag Turpin
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2014-04-03
Antal sidor 235
ISBN 9781554812158
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In the mid twentieth century the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein famously asserted that games are indefinable; there are no common threads that link them all. "Nonsense," said the sensible Bernard Suits: "playing a game is a voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles." The short book Suits wrote demonstrating precisely that is as playful as it is insightful, as stimulating as it is delightful. Through the jocular voice of Aesop's Grasshopper, a "shiftless but thoughtful practitioner of applied entomology", Suits not only argues that games can be meaningfully defined; he also suggests that playing games is a central part of the ideal of human existence and so games belong at the heart of any vision of Utopia.This new edition of The Grasshopper includes illustrations from Frank Newfeld created for the book's original publication, as well as an introduction by Thomas Hurka and a new appendix on the meaning of 'play.'

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