
Curse Of The Dragon God : A Gay Adventure

av Geoffrey Knight

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Förlag Cleis Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2011-07-05
Antal sidor 288
ISBN 9781573446617
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China. A land of ancient wonders. A history of tradition, triumph and tyranny. As it casts a shadow across the entire globe, this once forbidden country awakens as the dominant force in a new world economy. Business empires will rise, deals will be made, lives will be lost as money changes hands, but one treasure will remain the most precious in all of China: a diamond known as the Eye of Fucanglong, the Dragon God of lost jewels and buried treasures. The diamond is flawless. It is priceless. It is cursed. And it is about to be stolen in the heist of the century. Can Professor Fathom's team of gay adventure-seekers find the diamond before this perfectly executed crime leads to a cataclysmic event of mass destruction? From the towers of Hong Kong to the diamond mines of Shandong; from the streets of San Francisco to the deserts of Dubai to the male strip clubs of Beijing; from China's mystical past, to the boardrooms and backrooms of a modern industrial giant, take the high road to China and join in the sizzling action and page-turning adventure of The Curse of the Dragon God.
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