
Transparency - seeing through to our expanded human capacity

av Penney Peirce

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Förlag Atria Books
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2018-01-11
Antal sidor 368
ISBN 9781582706429
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A ground-breaking book with an inside-out view of personal transformation and the path to everyday enlightenment by letting go of the clutter, defence, and fears to instead focus on building the courage to be honest, vulnerable, authentic, and super-clear. Following the bestsellers The Intuitive Way, Frequency, and Leap of Perception, TRANSPARENCY is the next book in Penney Peirce's award-winning, visionary series of guidebooks on personal and societal transformation. Timely and revolutionary, Penney shows us how to let go of everything that gets in our way - the obstacles, clutter, and fears - to truly achieve greater authenticity, clarity of purpose, and feelings of belonging and joy. By transforming our opaque reality into a state of transparency, the dividing lines that fragment and isolate us melt away and all that's left is the true self - connecting us to everything and everyone. TRANSPARENCY helps you learn that when you're transparent, there is great power in being seen for all of who you are. Secrets, lies, and hiding are no longer functional. Honesty, simplicity, compassion, and true humility produce genius. And, when you're transparent, you're empowered to see through situations that blind and confuse others. It's as though you suddenly have Superman's X-ray vision, and this enables you to reach just-right solutions, insights, and develop your ability to “see through,” so your intuition can skyrocket. Prescriptive, accessible, and thought-provoking, TRANSPARENCY aims to help you identify your soul-blocking habits, find the insights being masked, and return these negative patterns back into the clear light of the unified field. Each piece of clutter dissolved, understood, and released creates greater transparency, opening us to experience our true selves and all the joys of life.
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