
Wrong Wrights

av Chris Kientz

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Förlag The Book Services TBS
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2016-02-23
Antal sidor 64
ISBN 9781588345417
Kategori(er) Skönlitteratur
 ↳ Barn & ungdom
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Schoolmates Dominique, Eric, Josephine, and Ajay are excited about a field trip to the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum. When they get there, however, they find a very different museum than the one they were expecting. Not only is it much smaller, it's filled with balloons, blimps and dirigibles, many of them with the same logo: BARRIS AIRSHIPS. Where's the Spirit of St. Louis? Where's the Apollo 11 command module? Where's the Wright Brothers' 1903 flyer? With the help of a museum "fabrications specialist," they travel through time to try and restore the Wright brothers to their well-earned place in history. Along the way they also learn about aerodynamics and other aviation principles from a wise-cracking A.I. named Smitty. But the kids' story doesn't end there something is amiss in the next stop on their Smithsonian tour, the National Museum of Natural History so they'll have to work together to save history again in volume two.
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