
Game Faces

av Peter Devereaux

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Förlag Smithsonian Books
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2018-10-23
Antal sidor 168
ISBN 9781588346346
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A charming gift book showcasing baseball cards from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries alongside photos from the early days of the nation's beloved pastime Game Faces showcases rare and colourful baseball cards from the Library of Congress's Benjamin K. Edwards Collection, bringing to life an era of American history that saw the game explode in popularity. Marrying gems from the collection's 2,100 baseball cards to images of American life from 1887 to 1914, the book also offers engaging insights into the players and the game, giving readers an intimate view of both baseball's development and American culture at the turn of the twentieth century. The book highlights cards depicting many of the game's first stars—including Ty Cobb, Cy Young, and Christy Mathewson—as well as less widely known figures, shown with extravagant ornamentation and boldly juxtaposed colours that render the cards works of art in their own right. Game Faces is a rich, engrossing history of the baseball card and the ways that it has illustrated and influenced American culture as a whole. It is a must-have for those who love baseball.
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