
Podcast Solutions: The Complete Guide to Audio and Video Podcasting | 1:a upplagan

av Alger Klasson och Jeffrey Geoghegan

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Förlag Apress
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2007-11-30
Upplaga 1
ISBN 9781590599051
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Welcome to Podcast Solutions: The Complete Guide to Podcasting, Second Edition. We had a simple goal in mind while we wrote this book: to give you a straightforward overview of p- casting and share the information necessary to get you up and running with a quality podcast. Within the pages of this book, you'll find everything you need to know to get started in p- casting. We'll cover the history of podcasting, how to download podcasts, and, most important, how to produce and distribute your own podcast. We're not geeks, and this isn't a geek book. There's no way to detail step-by-step instructions for every piece of software that conceivably exists for podcasting, and we're not going to try to impress you with an exhaustive (and therefore exhausting) list of every website that has a- thing to do with podcasting (that's what Google is for). Things are moving so quickly in p- casting that it seems every day brings a new product or service announcement. If we covered them all, you'd never make it to the end of the book, and you'd never begin doing the one thing we really want to help you do: start making your own podcasts. Instead, we've used our c- bined experience to carefully select and detail the software, hardware, and services we feel stand out and deserve mention for helping people get started in podcasting. While we're at it, we don't think you're a "dummy. " Podcasting isn't for dummies.
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