
Jesus In The House Of The Pharaohs : The Essene Revelations on the Historical Jesus

av Awes Ahmed Osman

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2004-02-28
Antal sidor 296
ISBN 9781591430278
Kategori(er) Historia & arkeologi
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Although it is commonly believed that Jesus lived during the first century C.E there is no concrete evidence to support this fact from the Roman and Jewish historians who would have been his contemporaries. The Gospel writers themselves were of a later generation and many accounts recorded in the Old Testament and Talmudic commentaries refer to the coming of the Messiah as an event that had already occurred. Using the evidence available from archaeology the Dead Sea Scrolls the Koran the Talmud and other biblical sources Ahmed Osman provides a compelling case that both Jesus and Joshua were one and the same - a belief echoed by the early Church Fathers - and that this person was likewise the pharaoh Tutankhamun who ruled Egypt between 1361 and 1352 B.C.E and was regarded as the spiritual son of God. Osman contends that the Essene Christians - who followed Jesus' teachings in secret after his murder - only came into the open following the execution of their prophet John the Baptist by Herod many centuries later. Yet it was also the Essenes who following the death of Tutankhamun and his father Akhenaten (Moses) secretly kept the monotheistic religion of Egypt alive. The Essenes believed themselves to the people of the New Covenant established between their Lord and themselves by the Teacher of Righteousness who was murdered by a wicked priest. The Dead Sea Scrolls support Osman's contention that this Teacher of Righteousness was in fact Jesus. Originally published as The House of the Messiah by Harper Collins.
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