
Dreaming With Polar Bears : Spirit Journeys with Animal Guides

av Dawn Baumann Brunke

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2014-11-06
Antal sidor 192
ISBN 9781591431831
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Dreams speak to us on deep levels. Through dreaming we open a gateway to our inner world. Through lucid dreaming we open to conscious interaction with the surroundings, happenings and living beings within the dreamscape. Over many years, animal communicator, Dawn Baumann Brunke, dreamed of polar bears. One night, a lucid dream triggered the realisation that not only was she dreaming of a living polar bear, but, also, that the polar bear was dreaming of her. Through shared dream encounters, Brunke became adept at connecting with the bear both while asleep and awake. Together, they explored nonphysical locales where lucid dreamers meet to join in consciousness and co-dream together. Recounting the dreams she had with polar bears as well as with a council of spirit bears, Brunke presents techniques she learned to enter shared dreamscapes and form meaningful dream relationships with other species. Brunke, also, examines how our assumptions about polar bears, or any animal, can teach us about ourselves. As we awaken to the wisdom of our dreams, we begin to heal ourselves and our Earth. Sharing ways to recall dreams and engage lucid dream awareness, Brunke shows how dreamwork can help us forge deeper connections with the natural world and move more consciously in planetary evolution with all beings. Guided by the polar bears in her dreams, the sacred guardians of North Pole evolutionary energy, Brunke reveals how we can each dream ourselves awake and, with animal companions and guides, help dream a new world into being. · Presents lucid dream encounters with living polar bears and teachings from polar bear spirits · explores ways to consciously engage with dreams, co-dream with animals through shared awareness, and form human-animal dream relationships · reveals the role of human-polar bear dreaming in the earth's planetary evolution
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