
Radical Knowing : Understanding Consciousness through Relationship

av Christian de Quincey

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2005-08-16
Antal sidor 352
ISBN 9781594770791
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In RADICAL KNOWING Christian de Quincey makes a provocative claim: We are not who we think we are. Instead, we are what we feel. Giving disciplined attention to feelings reveals the most fundamental fact of life and reality: We are our relationships. Most of us think we are individuals first and foremost who then come together to form relationships. De Quincey turns this 'obvious fact' on its head and shows that relationship comes first and that our individual sense of self – our 'private' consciousness – actually arises from shared consciousness. This shared, collective consciousness is at the heart of indigenous ways of life and their worldviews. De Quincey explains that participating in shared consciousness literally builds the fabric of reality and that understanding this process is key to unlocking our potential for higher consciousness and spiritual evolution. He presents the technique of Bohemian dialogue, developed by groundbreaking quantum physicist David Bohm, as one method for experiencing this powerful process. He, also, explores the mystery of synchronicity, offering a new understanding of the relationship between matter and mind and the underlying nature of reality.
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