
Wisdom Chi Kung: Practices For Enlivening The Brain With Chi Energy

av Mantak Chia

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Förlag Destiny Books
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2008-08-05
Antal sidor 144
ISBN 9781594771361
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WISDOM CHI KUNG teaches practitioners how to revitalise the brain: to repair function, increase memory and expand capacity. Every day we use up so much of our brain's capacity to function that we have very little left at the end of the day. By thinking or worrying too much, the brain can use up to 80 percent of the body's entire energy reserve. Learning to stop the brain, to empty the mind from the ceaseless chatter of the “monkey mind” and then recharge it with chi energy can increase our mental capacity, focus, and clarity. Using the Inner Smile meditation technique, practitioners learn how to recharge chi energy for the brain in a form that is most useful. Practitioners smile and empty the mind into the lower tan tien and the organs. The organs then transform this chi energy. When the mind is empty, the energy transformed by the organs is sent back to the brain to revitalize it. This process synchronises the left and right brain by activating and tapping in to the body's energetic potentials. As the mind continues to empty, receive and enhance the transformed chi energy, it is able to open itself to connect with universal chi energies and fill the body with enhanced life force. · Details techniques to increase the level of chi energy in the brain and explains how to synchronise the left and right brain by activating the body's energetic potentials · Shows that by emptying the mind there is more energy to heal the body
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