
Creating The Soul Body : The Sacred Science of Immortality

av J. Robert Cox

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Förlag Inner Traditions
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2008-05-23
Antal sidor 288
ISBN 9781594772214
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Ancient peoples the world over understood that individual consciousness is rooted in a universal field of consciousness and is, therefore, eternal, surviving the passing of the physical body. They engaged in spiritual practices to make that transition maximally auspicious. These practices can be described as a kind of alchemy, in which base elements are discarded and higher levels of consciousness are realised. The result is the creation of a vehicle, a soul body, that carries consciousness beyond physical death. These spiritual preparations are symbolised in the Vedic, Egyptian and Hebraic traditions as a divine stairway or ladder, a step-by-step path of ascent in which the practitioner raises consciousness by degrees until it comes to rest in the bosom of the infinite, thereby becoming immortal. This spiritual process explains the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama, for example, whose reincarnation is confirmed in infancy through physical and spiritual signs, indicating that the consciousness has been carried from one lifetime to the next. In CREATING THE SOUL BODY, Robert Cox maps the spiritual journey of consciousness behind this sacred science of immortality and reveals the practice of creating a soul body in detail. He, also, shows that this ancient spiritual science resembles advanced theories of modern science, such as wave and particle theory and the unified field theory and reveals that modern science is only now awakening to this ancient science of immortality.
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