
Reiki For The Heart And Soul: The Reiki Principles As Spiritual Pathwork (O)

av Amy Z Rowland

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Förlag Healing Arts Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2008-11-24
Antal sidor 272
ISBN 9781594772528
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Reiki practitioners and teachers recognise Reiki as a gentle and powerful healing method. The path to becoming a Reiki practitioner, however, is more than just a commitment to energy healing. It is also a commitment to personal growth. In REIKI FOR THE HEART AND SOUL, Amy Rowland details how reflection on the five core Reiki principles presented in both the Western and Japanese traditions - do not anger; do not worry; be grateful; do an honest day's work; be kind - can be used by practitioners of all levels and lineages as powerful tools for personal and spiritual growth. Living the five core principles reinforces Reiki's subtle energy healing: it heals wounded self-esteem and builds healthy self-respect; it demonstrates the creative power of a positive attitude; and it presents a way to peace. Rowland discusses various translations of the Reiki principles, demonstrating how to integrate their practical value through stories and interviews. She, also, offers specific techniques and exercises for healing anger and fear as well as living with gratitude, integrity and compassion. These techniques will help maturing practitioners discover a healthy, happy way of being in the world and to see the way forward on their spiritual path with a sense of clear guidance and grace. · Explores how to practice the Reiki values of peace, serenity, gratitude, integrity and kindness in everyday life, despite the challenges of constant change and frequent crises · Provides tools for spiritual growth for practitioners of all levels and lineages
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