
Alchemical Medicine For The 21st Century: Spagyrics For Detox, Healing & Longevity

av Clare Goodrick-Clarke

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Förlag Healing Arts Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2010-07-29
Antal sidor 192
ISBN 9781594773198
Kategori(er) Medicin, vård & fysiologi
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Spagyrics is a branch of medicinal alchemy that enhances the healing properties already existing in plants. Developed by Paracelsus, the magus and alchemist of the early 16th century, spagyrics is a holistic therapy that promotes healing at all levels of the human being - body, soul and spirit. Spagyric essences harness the dynamic life force in plants that triggers recovery from the energetic imbalance of illness. The harmonising and balancing qualities of spagyric essences differ from other plant remedies and aromatherapy oils because they not only include the plant's energetic information, but, also, incorporate the salt of the plant, from which all toxic matter has been purged. The preparation of this alchemical medicine makes it possible to capture the full therapeutic spectrum of plants, including the cosmic energies they have absorbed. ALCHEMICAL MEDICINE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY contains detailed indications for using these alchemical preparations to treat both physical and mental disorders. The author shows, for example, that the tincture made from dandelion is especially potent on liver-related ailments and, also, raises the spirit and frees the patient from anger and bitterness. The immune system is, also, boosted by this essence, providing tonic effects for allergy sufferers. The author, a homoeopath since 2000, also shows how these spagyric essences can be potentised homoeopathically.
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