
Take control of your anxiety - a drug-free approach to living a happy, heal

av Dr. Harold Shinitsky Dr. Chris Cortman och Dr. Laurie-Ann O'Connor

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Förlag Career Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2015-01-30
Antal sidor 224
ISBN 9781601633569
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Do you know what really triggers panic attacks? Are you aware of what thinking patterns create anxiety? Are you a chronic worrier? Have you ever self-medicated with alcohol or tranquilisers. According to mental health professionals, anxiety disorders have emerged as the common cold of mental illness. Every family is touched in some way or another by anxiety issues and, with ever-increasing frequency, diagnosable anxiety disorders. In TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR ANXIETY - an easy-to-read, self-help book for the layperson - Drs. Cortman and Shinitzky present the current understanding of anxiety: its genesis in the brain, its functions and contributions to human survival and growth and its progression to pathology. Each of the five major anxiety disorders is featured in a chapter that explores its etiology, practical steps and exercises for successful resolution and actual case studies of patients who have overcome the disorder. The authors use some levity to teach their concepts, including Dr. Seuss-like poems, popular music parodies and other easy-to-remember aids. A tool box of simple resources and self-help techniques is, also, included. Most importantly, the authors emphasise a non-pharmaceutical, evidence-based approach to mastering anxiety issues and living a productive, well-balanced life.
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