
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

av Andrew Farago

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Förlag Förlagssystem bokimporten
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2014-06-06
Antal sidor 190
ISBN 9781608871858
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With Nickelodeon's hit animated show putting TMNT firmly back in the limelight, and the new Michael Bay-produced movie on the horizon, the Heroes in a Half-Shell have never been more popular. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Visual History" relates their amazing story. Beginning with the creative spark that led comic book artists Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird to envision these unlikely heroes, this lavishly illustrated book tracks the Turtles' phenomenal explosion in popularity as they became mainstays of kids' TV and the protagonists of one of 1990's biggest box office hits. "The Ultimate Visual History" also looks at the periods when the Turtles briefly slipped out of fashion, showing how enthusiasm for these evergreen warriors was kept alive by new comic books, animated shows, and, of course, some hugely imaginative merchandising. Bringing together exceptional visuals, including exclusive comic book artwork, candid behind-the-scenes shots, rare merchandise, and other never-before-seen material, "The Ultimate Visual History" uncovers the previously untold story of the multimillion-dollar franchise. Featuring interviews with key players, including Eastman and Laird, and the talented teams behind the cartoons, comics, movies, and merchandise, this comprehensive look at the TMNT phenomenon leaves no shell unturned.
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