
Working With The Masters : Teachings of the Ascended Masters

av Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2018-11-18
Antal sidor 298
ISBN 9781609882969
Kategori(er) Filosofi & idéhistoria
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No spiritual journey is complete without a road map and an expert guide. Book 3 in the Sacred Adventure series provides just that¯detailed advice from the ascended masters for anyone who would like to follow in their footsteps and reach the pinnacle of self-mastery on one of the seven rays, or paths, of the divine consciousness. You will learn what is important to the ascended masters and how to work with these mentors of the spirit in chapters on the science of wholeness, the light of the divine mother, the creative power of music, the power of love in action, the joy of divine purity, the mysteries of elemental life (nature spirits), the gift of divine freedom, and the path of personal Christhood.
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