
Guided Inquiry Design

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2012-06-01
Antal sidor 188
ISBN 9781610690096
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Guided Inquiry prepares today's learners for an uncertain future by providing the education that enables them to make meaning from myriad sources of information in a rapidly evolving world. The companion book, Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century, explains what Guided Inquiry is, and why it is now essential now. This book, Guided Inquiry Design: A Framework for Inquiry in Your School, explains how to do it. The first three chapters provide an overview of the Guided Inquiry design framework, identify the eight phases of the Guided Inquiry process, summarize the research that grounds Guided Inquiry, and describe the five tools of inquiry that are essential to implementation. The following chapters detail the eight phases in the Guided Inquiry design process, providing examples at all levels from pre-K through 12th grade and concluding with recommendations for building Guided Inquiry in your school. The book is for pre-K-12 teachers, school librarians, and principals who are interested in and actively designing an inquiry approach to curricular learning that incorporates a wide range of resources from the library, the Internet, and the community.Staff of community resources and public librarians will also find the book useful for achieving student learning goals.
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