
Future Of Human Experience : Visionary Thinkers on the Science of Consciousness

av J. Zohara Meyerhoff Hieronimus

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Förlag Inner Traditions
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2013-07-21
Antal sidor 352
ISBN 9781620550878
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For almost three decades Zohara Hieronimus has interviewed spiritual teachers and, as Hieronimus reveals, one common theme resonates through them all: the power of human consciousness. Sharing insights from her discussions with Larry Dossey, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Graham Hancock, Raymond Moody, Rupert Sheldrake, Zecharia Sitchin, Gay Bradshaw, Candace Pert and many others, Hieronimus explores what these visionary thinkers foresee for humanity based on current trends in medicine, science, agriculture, Earth history, robotics and spirituality. She examines natural, extraterrestrial and man-made events that dramatically altered humanity's course in the past or might in the future, revealing a recurring cycle of catastrophic Earth changes and rebirths of civilisation over billions of years. The author explains that, as part of the energetic expression of Divinity, we can influence the impact of Earth changes through our actions and intentions. She shows that the consciousness of humanity has the power to affect evolution, enact healing on personal and global levels and alter even natural systems such as the weather. By studying predictions across a broad range of disciplines—from nano-technology to plant intelligence—from today's great minds and from ancient spiritual traditions, Hieronimus shows that we can significantly improve the long-term welfare of the Earth by unfolding our nonlocal consciousness, adopting a reverent attitude toward all life and realising how we do things is as vital as what we do. · Shares insights from the author's discussions with Larry Dossey, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Graham Hancock, Raymond Moody, Rupert Sheldrake, Zecharia Sitchin, Gay Bradshaw, Candace Pert and many others · Examines what these visionary thinkers foresee for humanity based on current trends in medicine, science, agriculture, history, and other disciplines · Reveals how consciousness affects evolution and Earth's future
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