
Crystal and stone massage - energy healing for the vital and subtle bodies | 2:a upplagan

av Michael Gienger

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Förlag Healing Arts Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2015-01-24
Upplaga 2
Antal sidor 176
ISBN 9781620554111
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In this full-colour illustrated guide, Michael Gienger, along with contributors Hildegard Weiss and Ursula Dombrowksy, details the energetics and healing properties of more than 50 crystals and gemstones for use in massage. The book explains how to select the proper crystal or stone to aid healing of a specific condition as well as for relaxation and stress release. It illustrates specific massage techniques with crystal wands, crystal spheres and polished stones that best utilise the crystal or stone's properties and shows how to perform a full-body massage that works on several levels - physical, ethereal, mental and spiritual - depending on how the crystals are applied. Explaining how crystals absorb energy and information during a massage, the guide shows how to cleanse and recharge their energetic fields so energies are not transferred from one person to another. It, also, details how to rebalance and replenish your own energy after giving a massage. The book, also, includes a detailed chapter on the harmonising effects of amber massage, complete with a step-by-step illustrated massage sequence. Amber's unique electromagnetic vibrations make it especially conducive to creating homeostasis in the body and thus a beneficial addition to any crystal or stone massage practice. With this complete illustrated guide, anyone can enhance their massage practice or self-healing through the powerful effects of crystals, gemstones and amber.
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