
Feng shui and money - a nine-week program for creating wealth using ancient

av Eric Shaffert

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Förlag Skyhorse Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2018-05-15
Antal sidor 256
ISBN 9781621536383
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"Eric has brightly lit each step of the path to abundance. Take a nine-week walk with him—you won't regret it!" —Karen Rauch Carter, author of the bestselling Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
In Feng Shui and Money, Second Edition, Eric Shaffert divulges the secrets to creating wealth using the principles of feng shui. Through the easy nine-week program, readers will discover the basic principles and philosophy of feng shui, the spiritual connection between feng shui and money, innovative suggestions for successful interior arrangements at home and in the office, ancient rituals and meditations to create prosperity, and simple guidelines for setting your goals and making real your dreams. This newly revised edition includes updated information on such topics as:
  • Insights into your "money script"
  • Profound ways to shift the financial flow in your life
  • Feng shui "cures" for energetic and financial "leaks"
  • Success stories from feng shui students and clients
  • New insights that focus on the metaphysical and nondual aspects of feng shui

  • Blending Eastern spirituality and Western psychological insight, Feng Shui and Money is an easy-to-follow guidebook that will lead to financial and spiritual renewal.
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