
Healing Practices Of The Knights Templar And Hospitaller

av Jon G. Hughes

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2022-06-09
Antal sidor 416
ISBN 9781644113301
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During the Crusades, chivalric knightly orders, such as the Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitaller, brought along monastic mediciners to treat the sick and wounded. These mediciners not only employed the leading cures of mediaeval Europe but also learned new methods from the local folk-healers and Arabic healing traditions they encountered on their journeys. Presenting a traditional “cure-all” or leechbook of the Crusader physicians, the author shares a comprehensive encyclopaedia of the ailments the Crusaders would have encountered and the remedies their mediciners would have employed. He details recipes for many cures and a range of magico-medical applications such as charms, spells, enchantments, and amulets used to address the new illnesses of strange and foreign lands. The author includes a detailed and comprehensive herbal, listing all the plants and materials needed to make and administer the remedies of the cure-all. He also details his travels in the steps of the Crusader physicians throughout Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Malta, Morocco, and the island of Rhodes where he met with healers still following this healing path who shared their practices with him. Revealing how the healers of the Crusades helped elevate Western medical knowledge through the integration of wisdom from their Middle Eastern counterparts, Hughes shows how their legacy continues through the many effective remedies and healing modalities still in use today.
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