
Jin Shin For Cats And Dogs

av Tina Stümpfig

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2022-10-13
Antal sidor 240
ISBN 9781644114599
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A gentle touch method for harmonizing energy flow, Jin Shin Jyutsu is an excellent hands-on healing tool to support your animal companion's health and alleviate common ailments and injuries. Just like us, the flow of an animal's life energy can get blocked in the body, which leads to discomfort and, over time, illness. By calmly placing your hands on certain energy points on your pet's body, you can release energetic blockages, strengthen the immune system, and stimulate their body's self-healing response. From ear mites and conjunctivitis to kidney infection, splinters, and anxiety, just by holding certain points on the body of your cat or dog you can quickly alleviate a symptom, or trigger the start of a comprehensive healing process. With the help of step-by-step illustrations, experienced practitioner Tina Stümpfig explains how to use this simple system of two-point touch healing with animals. Body maps for both cats and dogs clearly illustrate the positions of the Jin Shin Jyutsu energy points. The author offers sequences of points for general and specific purposes, such as harmonizer flows that regenerate and renew the whole body, flow sequences for specific organs, and a short flow for the paws that can act as a first aid sequence. She then provides sections with dog-specific and cat-specific ailments, organized by area of the body and symptoms, with recommended treatment points and sequences. Particularly beneficial for older animals, you can also use the Jin Shin Jyutsu flows as a preventive measure for enhancing health. They also ease stress for your cat or dog when undergoing veterinary treatment and help them recover more quickly after surgery, supporting the healing process and strengthening their resilience. Offering a hands-on method for all phases of life, Jin Shin Jyutsu not only improves their health and well-being, but also offers an enjoyable moment of energetic exchange between you and your four-legged friend.
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