
Meta learning: Efficient Strategies and Study techniques of the masterminds | 1:a upplagan

av Caroline Marjoniemi

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Språk Svenska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2022-07-20
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 108
ISBN 9781773714080
Kategori(er) Pedagogik & psykologi
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The Book

This book will benefit you in your studies. If you are a teacher, educator, business owner, boss or leader, the organisational tools in this book will help you become more efficient and your team or class more motivated. As a consequence, you will earn more and learn more.

The three powerful questions that you should ask yourself before you start any task or assignment.

How your mind works on a meta level to create the optimal  prerequisites  and  strategies  for  efficient  learning.

The    Japanese    secret    behind    longevity    and    prosperity, the Ikigai - the balance between Passion, Profession, Mission and Vocation.

The  four  fundamentals  of  efficiency  -  Mindset,  Food,  Sleep  and  Movement  -  and  how  they  affect  your learning on a meta level.

How to mind your mind and tear down the negative thoughts  that  prevent  you  from  becoming  the  deserving top performer that you are.

How to stop thinking about stress as  ´lethality ´ and change it to  ´longevity ´.

How  to  communicate  and  create  connection  for  stress protection.

The  patterns  of  mastering  and  ruling  techniques  and how to steer away from them like a professional.

An efficient strategy that some of the top performing companies in the world use to achieve better results in their productivity - The 5s Method.

Different  tools  on  how  to  organize  assignments  like a multitasking mastermind, with the help of the  ´Efficiency Equation ´.

Mastermind   strategies   on   how   to   hack   your   surroundings so you can crack that course.


The Author

Caroline   Marjoniemi   is   an   swedish author, teacher,  and  consultant  who  helps  university   students, faculties,   and   businesses   in   becoming   more   efficient.   She  teaches  not  only  study  techniques,  but  also how  to  decrease  stress,  increase  motivation  for  learning,  and  other  smart  tips  to  increase  productivity  in your  life. Caroline  offers  teaching  and  educational  help on how to think consciously about your own learning. For many years, she traveled around  Sweden  with  the  teachers'  union  student  organisation,  trying  to  change the  school  politics  and  curriculum.

While writing the book, she was in contact with, and gathered information from some  of  the  highest  ranked universities  in  the  world.  The  book  contains  not  only  study  techniques,  but  also  strategies  for effectiveness,  organisation,  planning,  how  to decrease stress, and increase internal and external  motivation  for learning.  She  also  offers   educational   workshops,   speeches   and  coaching  aimed  at  universities  and companies   that   wish   to   become   more   productive.

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