
Building a Winning Team: Technical Leadership Capabilities

av Robina Chatham

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Förlag Förlagssystem bokimporten
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2017-05-19
ISBN 9781780173894
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The development of technical leadership capabilities is often overlooked as a training requirement in organisations but these are key to business success. In this book management experts Brian Sutton and Robina Chatham describe and explain five management techniques to help you develop your leadership capabilities and build a winning team. With real life examples, tips and mini exercises, you'll also boost your soft skills as you steer your team to success.'The book offers excellent advice; based upon solid managerial best practice promoted by top leaders and institutions within the field of management, highlighting how the newly promoted IT Manager might go about the task of turning a group of individuals into a well-functioning should be on every new manager's purchase wish list.' Anthony Sutcliffe, MSc CCI, MBCS 'An easy read, "Building A Winning Team" covers all the important points on how to step into a leadership role -- especially if you work in IT. Just because you have strong technical skills, doesn't mean you know how to lead a group of technical people. This book will show you the way.' Pat Brans, Business and Technology Journalist, Business School Professor and author of 'Master the Moment'
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