
Confident Birth

av Susanna Heli

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Förlag Förlagssystem bokimporten
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2012-09-25
Antal sidor 191
ISBN 9781780660400
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Women have an innate ability to give birth, a knowledge that has been acquired through thousands of years of evolution. Yet all too often fear and stress can get in the way and block the natural process of childbirth. In this inspiring new book, Susanna Heli, an experienced doula and physiotherapist, shows how childbirth can be transformed by understanding how fear can affect birth and how it is possible to overcome it by using four simple, dynamic and effective tools to rediscover the inner power to give birth. The tools are equally effective whichever type of birth you choose, and whether or not you have given birth before. A birth partner can play a key role in preventing worry and fear during birth. The book offers practical advice to help the birth partner support the labouring woman. Confident Birth will give you and your birth partner all the tools you need to cope with the challenges of childbirth, and make it an empowering and positive experience.
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