
Money, a love story - untangle your financial woes and create the life you

av Kate Northrup

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Förlag The Book Services TBS
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2013-09-10
Antal sidor 272
ISBN 9781781800683
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Having a good relationship is just like any other relationship: it has its ups and downs, its breakups and makeups. And just like other relationships, living happily with money really comes down to love. Using client stories and her own saga of moving from heavy debt to complete financial freedom by the age of 28, Kate Northrup acts as a guide in your quest for personal financial freedom through love. You'll learn how to chart your current financial life and create a plan to get you to where you want to be - whether that's a penthouse apartment or a cabin in the woods. Step-by-step exercises that address both the emotional and practical aspects of your financial life help you figure out your personal perceptions of money and wealth and how to change them for the better. You'll learn about thought patterns that may be holding you back from earning what you're worth or saving what you can. She'll teach you how to shift your beliefs about money, create a budget, spend in line with your values, get out of debt and so much more. In short, she'll teach you to love your money, so you can love your life.
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