
Ecstasy of surrender - 12 surprising ways letting go can empower your life

av Judith Orloff

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Förlag The Book Services TBS
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2014-04-07
Antal sidor 432
ISBN 9781781804209
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Are you longing for your life to be easier and more fun? Would you like to stop pushing, micromanaging, and forcing things so you can relax? What if you could enjoy what you have instead of always lusting for 'more'? What if you could live in 'the zone', propelled by powerful currents toward the right people and opportunities? What if you could stop worrying about money and live with more emotional ease in the moment? If you answer 'yes' to all these questions and desire lasting positive change, then prepare to experience the ecstasy of surrender. The art of letting go, Dr Judith Orloff explains, is the secret key to manifesting power and success in all areas of life, including work, relationships, sexuality, radiant ageing and health and healing. In our superconnected world where emails and text messages constantly interrupt us, it's easier to let go than you think. Once embraced, surrendering removes roadblocks and the exhaustion that comes from 'trying too hard' - and it helps you achieve goals more effortlessly and brings ongoing happiness. With her stunning gift for storytelling coupled with her unique, results-oriented approach to physical, emotional and spiritual health - marrying neuroscience, psychiatry, intuitive medicine, energy techniques, and more - Judith provides a powerful, practical and accessible map for anyone who is longing to be happier but who feels stuck, burned-out, tense, worried or afraid to let go.
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