
Accidentally overweight - the 9 elements that will help you solve your weig

av Dr. Libby Weaver

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Förlag The Book Services TBS
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2016-01-05
Antal sidor 256
ISBN 9781781806302
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What leads the human body to get the message that it needs to store fat, and what leads the human body to get the message that it needs to burn fat? In a dynamic, fresh approach to weight loss, acclaimed nutritional biochemist Dr Libby Weaver shows that the 'calorie equation' - how much you eat versus how much you move - is not the only determinant of our body shape and size. At the end of the day, if it was truly as simple as that, everyone would be trim, taut and terrific and there'd be no health consequences because of excess body weight. Drawing on her 17 years of clinical practice, her strong scientific background in both nutrition and dietics and her PhD in biochemistry, Dr Libby discusses the real factors that cause us either to lose or gain weight. These nine factors are calories, stress hormones, sex hormones, liver function, thyroid function, gut bacteria, insulin, the nervous system and emotions. Let's face it - for many people it's not a lack of education that leads them to polish off a packet of chocolate biscuits after dinner, but their biochemistry and their emotions. Accidentally Overweight explores the role of these two factors in fat storage and optimal wellness. This is not just another diet book - it's a life-changing way of understanding your body and health so that you can finally get the results you want.
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