
365 Days of Art in Nature

av Lorna Scobie

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Förlag Gardners Books
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-08-20
Antal sidor 352
ISBN 9781784883256
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"This new book is wonderful and hits new levels of getting playful with creativity... The book gets you to explore and play with colour and make 'happy mistakes'. Not in the least intimidating to someone who is just starting out... The book has a non-judgemental and encouraging tone all the way. Colourful, fun, creative. I adore it." - Susie Pearl, Author of The Art of Creativity

In 365 Days of Art in Nature, Lorna Scobie, invites the reader to take a closer look at the natural world - whether that's outside on location, or inside their own home - reminding us all that regardless of whether we live in the city or the countryside, wildlife is just on our doorstep.

Observe the slow, constant pace of the nature that surrounds you every day, and use it to inspire you in your art and creativity. Activities may include visiting a particular tree, four times in the year and drawing it. How has it changed? Study the colours you find in autumn leaves. Explore drawing them in different materials.

Featuring nature-inspired quotes, breakaway activities to get you outdoors and plenty of supportive prompts and tips, this book will spark your imagination and help you to open your eyes and appreciate the natural beauty in our world.

Discover all the books in the 365 Days of Art series: 365 Days of Art, 365 Days of Art in Nature, 365 Days of Creativity, 365 Days of Drawing.

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