
The Daily Dad

av Ryan Holiday

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Förlag Hachette UK
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2023-05-02
Fler upplagor 2024/0
Antal sidor 416
ISBN 9781800815025
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What does it mean to be a great father? And how do you become one? Parenting is a role filled with meaning and purpose, but every dad needs guidance: because fatherhood is not a one-off, it is something you do every day. Instead of a parenting book you read once as a sleep-deprived new parent, The Daily Dad provides 366 accessible meditations on fatherhood, one for each day of the year. Drawing quotes from history, literature and psychology, bestselling author Ryan Holiday - a father of two himself - has crafted a daily practice that will help dads old and new to find inspiration and advice. Each entry offers a memorable lesson on being the role model your child needs, rooted in timeless principles. From Socrates to Martin Luther King Jr., ancient philosophy to contemporary figures, The Daily Dad collates wisdom from around the world to help every dad face the day-to-day challenges in the lifelong job of parenting, and ultimately become the best father they can be.
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